Pathological differential diagnosis of focal cortical dysplasia type Ⅱ and its mimic lesions

Hai-nan LI, Zhi LI


Malformation of cortical development (MCD) accounts for the majority of drug⁃resistant epilepsy, focal cortica ldysplasia type Ⅱ (FCDⅡ) is the most common and most characteristic. It is of great significance to correct diagnosis for FCDⅡ. However, there are so many diseases which are similar with FCD Ⅱ in morphology and immune phenotype, such as tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), hemimegalencephaly (HME), etc. In this paper, based on the latest research progress and our experience, we will introduce their relationship and explain how to distinguish them histologically.



Malformations of cortical development, groupⅡ; Ganglioneuroma; Ganglioglioma; Tuberous sclerosis; Diagnosis, differential; Pathology; Review

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